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Chinese occupation solider misstreating Tibetan monk


China invaded Tibet in 1951, and forced the Tibetan government to sign a truce known as the “17 point agreement.” But China continued to repress the Tibetans and violated its own agreement so flagrantly and so often that in 1959, an uprising began throughout Tibet. During this event, the Dalai Lama and many Tibetans fled across the Himalayas to seek refuge in India.  The uprising followed repeated Chinese violations of the 1951 “17 Point Agreement” which China forced on Tibet.

However, Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, is no longer calling for independence. He has spoken in many international venues, including the United States Congress, and the European Parliament. In 1987, he has also started campaigning for a peaceful resolution to the issue of the status of Tibet, and has since then advocated that Tibet should not become independent, but that it should be given meaningful autonomy within the People's Republic of China. This approach is known as the "Middle Way". A third position examines "self-determination' as a way of avoiding the polarities of independence/Middle Way. This perspective does not need to legitimate itself through historical precidence. It simply views Tibetans, as all peoples, as having inherent rights to determine their own forms of association


Chinese solider in Tibet holding a monk at gunpoint another case of facist Chinese actions, charge China with war crimes in Tibet.